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Product Number: 4

# Three independent measuring channels with alternate indication of data on the single liquid crystal display. # Prompt evaluation of gamma background within 5 seconds. # Automatic subtraction of gamma… 


Product Number: 5

# Automatic setting of measurement intervals and ranges. # Audio signalling of each detected gamma-quantum or beta-particle. # Digital display and control keys backlight if operating in the dark. #… 


Product Number: 6

# The dosimeter operates with both split vibration and audible warning device,and additional wrist vibration and audible warning device (wrist warning device),which is connected with the control panel of the… 


Product Number: 7

# Geiger-Muller counters without return run of counting response. # Analog indicator of radiation intensity. # Up to 4096 measurement results recording in the non volatile memory with further transfer… 


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