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Product Number: 7

Carts-shtabelery (ВШ) are intended for mechanisation of cargo handling transport and warehouse works at the enterprises of various branches of national economy, trade, warehouses, bases. 


Product Number: 1

# Five independent measuring channels with alternate indication of data on the single liquid crystal display. # Built-in gamma, beta sensitive Geiger-Muller counter. # Prompt evaluation of gamma background within… 


Product Number: 2

# Three independent measuring channels with alternate indication of data on the single liquid crystal display. # Built-in gamma, beta sensitive Geiger-Muller counter. # Automatic setting of measurement intervals and… 


Product Number: 3

# Stand-alone use or use within the automated system of personal dosimetry control. # Dose accumulation history storage in the non volatile memory with real time reference. # Dose accumulation… 


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