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Product Number: 3

Pump units of type БГ11-1 are intended for forcing under nominal pressure 0,5Mpa (5 kgs/sm2) constant on size and direction of stream of mineral oil with kinematic viscosity from 17… 


Product Number: 4

Gear pumps of type Г11-1 are intended for forcing under nominal pressure 0,5МПа (5 kgs/sm2) constant on size and a direction of stream of mineral oil with kinematic viscosity from… 


Product Number: 5

Hydrodistributors of type ВЕ10 are intended for direction or start-up change and stop of stream of working liquid in hydraulic systems of machine tools, processes and other machines with pressure… 


Product Number: 6

Eccentric piston pump of type Н400, Н401, Н403 are intended for forcing of pure mineral oil in hydraulic systems of machine tools, processes, lifts and other machines where noncontrollable productivity… 


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