Polyethylene shrinkable film (high-pressure polyethylene of the grade 15303-003 of State Standard 16337-77 and its European analogues) is produced in the form of sleeve, semi-sleeve and cloth with the width from 30 to 200 mcm. As per the customer’s request it’s possible to produce the film with disproportional shrinkage. The rolls are formed on polyethylene bobbins of different diameters according to the customer’s request. Our shrinkable film corresponds to the State Standard 25951-83. We always have the film with the thickness of 100 mcm available. The productive capacity of our enterprise is about 200 tons of shrinkable film in a month.
Shrinkable film is used for packing different foods, cans, bottles, small wares, household products, newspapers, magazines, office supplies, building products etc.