Physiological properties: antioxydantive, enterosorptional, detoxicant, radioprotective, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, regenerative, adaptogenetical, immunostimulating, antioncologic.
Is recommended to be used in the cases of: pathology of hematogenetic organs and lymph (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia); cardiovascular pathology (atherosclerosis, myocardiosclerosis, postmyocardial infarction states, hypertonic disease); peripheral nervous system pathology (neurocirculatory dystonia, postinsultive states, Parcinson’s disease, infantile cerebral paralysis); neuroendocrinal pathology (diabetes mellitus, disfunction of thyroid, adrenal gland and sex hormones, male and female infertility, climacteric and preclimacteric syndromes); pregnancy pathology (toxicosis of the 1-st and the 2-nd halves of pregnancy, fetus hypoxia); prophylaxy and treatment of hypogalactia; oncology (mastopathy, mammary gland carcinoma and uterine cervix, prostatic gland adenoma, digestive tract carcinoma); septic states; gerontology.