

Company name:
Завод “Конвектор”


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About us

For more than a decade Convector plant has been successfully operating in Ukraine. The Plant’s mission is to provide safe warmth for a reasonable price for common people.

The company produces gas heating equipment of high quality, which is successfully competing with imported ones.

Numerous awards confirm the successful work of the Plant, namely:

* silver medal «Independence of Ukraine» International Academic rating of «Golden Fortune» (2002),
* sign of «High Quality», International Golden Medal for Quality (2003),
* Quality Certificate of the European Market Research Centre EMRC (Brussels, 2004),
* Winner of the national business rating «The leader of the industry» (2005),
* Winner of rating «Leader of industry and enterprise in Ukraine -2006».

Over 500 000 gas convectors AKOG, reliably functioning at homes and offices in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Georgia prove it even better, than medals.

In order to meet growing demand the production volumes have been growing steadily, since 2000 each year they reached as high as two times yearly. Since 2006, the annual production of gas convectors AKOG is about 100 000 pieces!

Therefore in 2006 the Plant was given the honorary title «The Manufacturer Nr.1 of gas convectors in Ukraine».

As always, components of the leading Western producers used, namely:

• Gas safety valve (SIT, Italy)
blocking the flow of gas in all emergency cases
• Monostat (SIT, Italy)
• Heat exchanger (VALMEX, Italy)
• Burner (POLIDORO, Italy)
Absence of inflammatory burner saves the cost of gas
• Hydraulic group (OTMA, Italy) rational distribution of water flows
• Pump (WILO, Germany) with automatic anti-lock sustem
• Fan and coaxial system (NATALINI, Italy)
• Electronic control unit (NORDGAS, Italy) provides automatic control of boiler and controls its work
• Temperature sensor (NORDGAS, Italy)

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