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Product Number: 4

Manual electrostatic coating, thanks to ergonomic design, does a perfect powder-coated and fully meets the requirements of practice. Pistol «Electron», different strength of its design, extremely convenient service and an… 


Product Number: 6

Vibration table to paint the fence out of the box is perfect for frequent change of color. Multicolor can be used for manual installation instead of Electron bunker for more… 


Product Number: 5

Automatic Controllers are designed for automatic application of powder paint. The design and performance are designed for daily high continuous load. Uniform reciprocating motion is provided by sliding of rollers… 


Product Number: 1

Induction furnaces ИТПЭ are designed to melt and product high-quality steel, iron castings, and also founding of ferroalloys, hydra and stainless metals. There are used in the foundries of metallurgical… 


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