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Product Number: 3

Polyethylene shrinkable film (high-pressure polyethylene of the grade 15303-003 of State Standard 16337-77 and its European analogues) is produced in the form of sleeve, semi-sleeve and cloth with the width… 


Product Number: 1

- glass bottles - for perfumery - for nail polish - lotion bottles - vials with plugs - cream jars - lipstick and mascara cases - aluminum cans for aerosols 


Product Number: 2

- spray pumps and collars - valves - dispensers and triggers - caps and brushes - caps and pumps for lotion bottles and cream jars - caps for perfume bottles… 


Product Number: 1

Brown wrapping paper type Е State Standart 8273-75 from 50g/sq.m to 100 g/sq.m; sizes 850, 1500-1700 mm; applicability: packaging of food products, medicines, industry goods. Paraffin wax paper BP-3-35 Specifications… 


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