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Product Number: 5

The floor gas-fired double-pressure boilers of type Rivneterm Д with capacity of 24-40 kW with induced heat-transfer agent circulation are intended for heating and hot water supply of the houses… 


Product Number: 6

Agroresurs proposes a new series of gas-fired boilers of type Rivneterm-X, X2, X4 with capacity from 64 to 96 kW. The boilers of this series are provided with two-stage automatic… 


Product Number: 7

The convectors are used when there is no necessity in the installation of traditional heating system. The convectors of type Danko-Briz are intended for heating of separate rooms in individual… 


Product Number: 8

Gas water heaters Danko are modern water-heating devices of flowing type with the open chamber of combustion and assignment of smoke gases in a flue. They are intended for supply… 


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