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Product Number: CS

The CS series of counting scales offer all of the features called for in industrial warehousing and production applications - ease of use, simple robust construction for factory floor durability,… 


Product Number: IPS-C

The IPS-C series weighing and counting scales have a large platform and are designed for industrial applications.The indicator, mounted on a stainless steel pillar has a large and easy to… 


The BOSCHE silo (bin) scale is a precise low cost electronic silo (Bin) weighing system especially designed for in and outdoosilos. It is a standalone weighing system witch can power… 


Product Number: HLS-DF 2500

Maximize efficiency by transporting and weighing loads in one easy step. Reduces number of operators and saves time for maximum efficiency. The Pallet Truck Scale combines practical simplicity and heavy-duty… 


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