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Product Number: 5

Tube Chain Conveyor is an innovative concept for continuous transport of bulk material from one location to another, indispensable in production facilities requiring dust-tight, gas-tight, and noiseless conditions or conveyance… 


Product Number: 6

Bag-loading Machine. This machine provides one of the most efficient methods to improve the load handling performance of marshaling yards and loading depots. It is used for loading/ unloading packages… 


Product Number: 7

Motorised Conveyor Drum is used as a drive in conveyor-type loaders and in conveyors intended for general applications. Due to its compact and tight design, the motorized Conveyor Drum is… 


Product Number: 8

Actuator for Vertical Vessels with Mixing Tools is intended for use in chemical and paint and varnish, etc sectors for mixing liquid substances. It can also find application in food… 


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