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Product Number: 2

Physiological properties: hypoxic injuries diminuation (tissue injury, which is called by oxygenous deficiency), energy generation, anticoagulative (oxycoumarins diminish blood coagulability, preventing clottings), cardiotropic (triterpenic acids stimulate cardiac activity), antioxydantive, antifungous,… 


Product Number: 3

Physiological properties: antioxydantive, enterosorptional, detoxicant, radioprotective, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, regenerative, adaptogenetical, immunostimulating, antioncologic. Is recommended to be used in the cases of: pathology of hematogenetic organs and lymph (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia);… 


Product Number: 4

Physiological properties: immunomodulating, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, adaptogenetical, antitumoral, regenerative effects. Is recommended to be used in the cases of: expressed gerontological effect (rejuvenating); central and peripheral nervous systems pathology; cardiovascular pathology,… 


Product Number: 5

Physiological properties: bioprotective, biocorrective, antioxydantive, enterosorptional, detoxicant, radioprotective, antioncologic (effect of three pigments: phycocyanin, chlorophyll, carotenoids). Is recommended to be used in the cases of: pathology of hematogenetic organs and… 


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