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Product Number: 1

Foiled heater BestIzol is a multilayered material consisting of polyethylene foam and an aluminum foil. The thickness of foil is from 7 to 14 microns depending on type of foiled… 


Product Number: 2

BestIzol D-03 Tape (PEF) – Analog to Dichtung Tape Specification ТУ У 25.2-22592900-007:2006 BestIzol D-03 Soundproof Tape (analog to Dichtung Tape) reduces vibration level on bearing elements of the gypsum… 


Product Number: 3

Reflective insulation is an effective means that allows reducing the heat loss thanks to the decrease of the heat exchange between mediums. Aluminum foil is used as a reflecting layer… 


Product Number: 4

Aluminum Scotch Tape is a foil covered with an adhesive layer. It has high UV and thermal radiation reflection degree which makes it irreplaceable by thermal insulation production and repair.… 


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