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Product Number: 2

Production of our firm includes granite blocks, polished and thermoprocessed slab and a strip in the thickness 10; 12; 15; 20 and 30mm. 


Product Number: 3

Natural stone combine beauty and ideal physical-mechanical properties. From one side — rich color gamma, textures, figures, that let the granite and marble items look really noble, and from the… 


Product Number: 4

Stone windowsill - well-looking, solid, long-lived. Basic preference of the natural stone windowsills: * Natural stone windowsills would never be damaged by temperature drop (comparying with a wooden one), would… 


Product Number: 5

Granite and marble tabletops We can fabricate granite and marble tabletops of any form in accordance with the layouts of a customer. The high physical-mechanical properties, rich color gamma, strengh… 


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