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Product Number: 2

Pumpkin juice 0,9 litre, 1.85 litre, glass can "Twist-off". It is a real storeroom for vitamins, original taste and splendid aroma. Natural ecologically clean products, high gustatory qualities. The harvest… 


Product Number: 1

Sunflowerseed Oil is commonly used for human consmuptionused in food as a frying oil, in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. It is light in taste and appearance and has a… 


Product Number: 2

Our Crude Rapeseed Oil is obtained out of first class rapeseed, low in acidity and bright in colour. Mainly used for human consmuption, for the Biodiesel industry but also the… 


Product Number: 3

Our crude linseed oil is obtained by mechanical pressing. Crude linseed oil is classified as a drying oil and is a raw material for many varieties of coatings. It performs… 


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